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March 08, 2004

Sometimes Everything Is Just Too Much.

I just saw Gus Van Sant's "Elephant" this evening. I thought it was a powerful and disturbing film. At first I was a little put off by the directing style, but it grew on me throughout the film and really seemed to aid in giving the feeling that to the characters in the film it was just another day, nothing special, and then the whole world turns upside down. I'm sure most people reading this have had similar experiences with life's surprises. No one every really wakes up and thinks "something terrible is going to happen today, something that will alter my life forever". Those things just happen, the same way you stub your toe or get a paper cut. What was even more distrubing to me about the film is that with so many of the characters I could assign people I went to school with to the roles. It's even scarier to me now that I work in education.

In other sad news, the body of actor Spalding Gray
was found in the New York's East River on Sunday. What a terrible loss for his family and friends.

Posted by ahuckle at March 8, 2004 09:23 PM


I'll let you in on a little secret: things have been increasingly feeling "just too much" for me lately. I'm starting to feel pressure to do things I never wanted to do.

Posted by: Nate at March 9, 2004 05:29 PM

Really? What, if I may ask? I feel lately like I am under an enormous amount of pressure.

Posted by: Adam at March 9, 2004 09:02 PM

Get married and have kids. I am guessing I will have to leave Monica at some point because, no matter how much I think about this, it's something I just don't want to do. It's fucked, really. I don't want to be alone, but I don't want to get married and I certainly don't want to have kids.

Posted by: Nate at March 10, 2004 11:58 AM

Dude, can you see me as a fuckin' father??!?

You've seen Terry and Val get older with kids.... what do you think? No kids for me, right?

Posted by: Nate at March 10, 2004 08:50 PM

It's interesting, to be honest I have never pictured you as having kids, but I have definitely seen you as getting married! Not a big fancy wedding, but getting married. I think you could be a good father, you're pretty patient and creative and intelligent, all good things for being a parent. I go back and forth all the time on whether or not I want kids, most of the time it is no. Can you see me being a father? I sometimes think I have too many things I would not want to pass on, on the other hand it could be wonderful. It's one of those very serious considerations that you are just never sre of.

Posted by: Adam at March 10, 2004 09:28 PM

Dude, MAYBE you would be a cool gay dad-- I don't know--- but, I think it's totally possible. I think you have a better worldview than I do, so I would actually give you more points just on that... but, when I think of myself... I'm a guy who has had his "gay past" (i.e. a guy who just 'doesn't know what he wants,' politically, but a guy who knows what he wants "socially"... <-- like, am I even "worse" as far as the gym-teacher mentality goes ( for being MORE open-minded, I appear more "perverted," lest we forget!)...

Dude, all I want is to be able to chase back shooters with gaylords I've blown and talk about straight relationships and wonder exactly where it is that I went wrong!


Yeah, I'm "fucked."

Posted by: Nate at March 10, 2004 10:29 PM

I wouldn't say you're fucked. I'm not sure what you mean about the gym-teacher mentality. I don't think your open mindedness appears perveted. There is nothing wrong with chasing back shooters, and many of my realtionships have gone wrong as well.

Posted by: Adam at March 10, 2004 10:58 PM

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